
5 Things to know about workspace layouts

The most persuasive aspect when we talk about an office where life is good and where we want to work is certainly the fact that we spend more time at work than at home!

We also often believe that setting up your workspace could be a difficult and/or at times expensive task; However, simple solutions can be found quickly by optimizing your surfaces, integrating plants, adding heat to spaces, etc.

Here are 5 things to know about the layout of your offices:

  • Taking care of your workspace is a branding tool for your organization, the identity of your company also requires a space that reflects your values and your corporate vision.
  • Arranging your space is attractive, it will allow you to hire the best talents and, above all, keep them.
  • Working in an engaging environment is a performance indicator; your space must include all the features promoting the well-being of your employees.
  • The process of transforming your space is an engaging and rewarding dynamic for your colleagues, the notion of “Fordian” work is now over and leaves room for collective intelligence and the participation of a new generation of thinking more inclusive.
  • Your organizational structure must also be reflected in the space, we cannot say we are an agile or classic organization if the space does not reflect this strategy, spaces arranged and properly thought out describe new behaviors.

Finally, it is recommended to know your organization well, this also translates into a functional layout.

It is entirely possible to achieve functional aesthetics through optimization, and above all to add value to your identity through your space, it is your first selling asset!