
How to give a soul to your space

We very often wonder about the usefulness of creating life in an existing space, at times already fitted out and often used; in other words, to give or restore a soul to it.

In quantum theories, if we look closely, 99% of what makes up matter is energy, invisible, empty. This is a gigantic proportion if we compare this to the mass around us. 

The same goes for a space composed of matter and void, therefore of energy. 

In our profession, we are sometimes called upon at the last stage of a development project to bring life to a space, to give it a soul.

Strange paradox when we are closely interested in this phenomenon, despite the attempt of a project manager (often successful), of numerous trades for a result which still lacks the touch which will give birth to a space fully functional and alive. 

Here are some tips to make your already furnished space more lively than ever! 

  • Art awakens the emotions, do not hesitate to call on painters of all styles, pop artists are often successful in a work space, the works bring joy, humor as well.
  • We can never say it enough, integrate vegetation, make your colleagues aware of nature, if you cannot go to work in the great outdoors, you can nevertheless take a piece of nature at home or in the office.
la végétation donne une âme à l'espace de travail
  • Color is also an important element in this approach, even if the constraints of charters are often present, nothing better than a soothing, engaging, motivating color... avoid aggressive tones, black or red except in very bright spaces naturally, otherwise we can quickly experience the opposite effect as a result and hate a space because of its color.
la couleur d'espace de travail
  • Speaking of light, we often find work spaces with a dominance of white LED light, a technical constraint often, this tone in fact encourages working in front of a PC for several hours, moreover, the yellow light is warm and remains the most used light in the home. If we want to create more intimate, warm spaces, encouraging collaborative work, we regularly integrate yellow light.
Lumière jaune dans un espace de travail

In the end, it's quite simple, anything that can awaken our 5 senses is an asset to bring our spaces to life, for the greater good of human beings in their professional life! 

Harmony is the key word in interior design, finding harmony in a space means giving it life, consequently giving it a soul. It’s the magic wand of architects.