
CSR commitments

CSR mission

We are committed to a sustainable and responsible future

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mission of UBuilders Corporation Group, in harmony with its specialization in the development of commercial and tertiary spaces, is anchored in its commitment to the well-being of users, sustainability and positive impact on society.

“Our mission in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at UBUILDERS Corporation Group is to integrate principles of sustainability, user well-being, and social responsibility into each of our projects”.

Sustainable development goals

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mission outlined for UBuilders Corporation Group is aligned with several United Nations Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs). The SDGs are a set of 17 global goals aimed at solving the world's most pressing problems by 2030. In this context, business-relevant SDGs could include:

SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

UBCG’s mission is part of the improvement of commercial and tertiary spaces, contributing to the creation of sustainable cities and workspaces.

SDG 3 - Health and Well-being

By considering the well-being of users in the design of its spaces, UBCG contributes.

SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

UBUILDERS, by creating spaces favorable to employees, can contribute to the promotion of quality employment, productivity and economic growth.

SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Our Commitment to sustainability and innovation in the design of commercial and tertiary spaces corresponds to the objective ofpromoting innovation and the construction of resilient infrastructure.

SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

Production: By integrating principles of sustainability in its projects, UBUILDERS encourages more responsible consumption and production practices.

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Achievement of the Goals

By collaborating with customers tounderstand their needs and aspirations and by co-creating spaces , UBCG reflects the spirit of partnership required to achieve this SDG.

We are committed to designing professional spaces that not only reflect the needs and aspirations of our clients, but also meet environmental standards and CSR best practices. Additionally, we recognize the importance of understanding and considering our clients' HR and organizational structures, to create spaces that promote a healthy and fulfilling work environment.

Center for Young Business Leaders

The ambition of the CJD is to carry the voice of business leaders who work on a daily basis for a more humane, more responsible economy, for the emergence of more respectful behavior for future generations.

Ecological transition

UBUILDERS is committed to the ECOLOGICAL transition by raising awareness among all employees to be more responsible for the planet.

Some key transition steps:

  • Consume less and better (energy, water, raw materials), think responsibly about the products used daily (paper, draft, printing if necessary).
  • Promote digital exchanges.
  • Favor responsible purchasing, a responsible purchasing strategy.
  • Implementation of a selective sorting system for waste, paper, organic productsand plastics.
  • Promotion of responsible eating combining pleasure and health.

UBUILDERS is committed to the transition and defends the role of VSE/SME as an important and essential lever of influence for economic development in Algeria.


UBUILDERS affirms its commitment to social and environmental responsibility (CSR), placing particular emphasis on recycling.

UBCG underlines the importance of this practice to preserve natural resources, reduce waste and limit the carbon footprint.

Concrete initiatives, such as selective sorting and the use of recycled materials,are put in place. We also encourage our employees to adopt environmentally friendly behaviors.

Partnerships with specialist organizations reinforce the positive impact, thus contributing to the creation of a sustainable circular economy. UBUILDERS remainsopen to innovations to continually strengthen its commitment to recycling.