
5 Measures for anti-Covid offices

If the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our professional habits, it has also created several opportunities, including the reinvention of the office in times of health crisis; or how to continue to go to your workplace in complete safety and peace.

Here are 5 measures for anti-COVID offices:

  • Think about prevention and engagement signage, as well as zoning signage, it is important that the useful spaces are correctly defined in order to allow users to find themselves in a functional whole.
  • Integrate vegetation, an anti-covid space remains a space with life above all, the restrictions are already anxiety-provoking, calming the atmosphere with plants reduces the effect of directive signage.
  • If your space allows it, consider keeping an informal meeting space where you can bring your colleagues together no longer around a meeting table, but in a living space while respecting distancing, still less rigid than a meeting classic.
  • Choose furniture that offers “fun” but preventive separations. It is also possible to maintain open spaces with smart furniture.
  • Promote natural ventilation, provide employees with lockers to store their personal belongings, so disinfection and cleaning of desks and spaces will be simpler and more effective.

Finally, this crisis teaches us that it is essential to adapt, to be agile but it is also possible to continue to go to your workplace, providing the necessary conditions. These Five Tips also allow us to engage in dialogue with different users, to involve them in the reformulation of their office and to involve them in a new dynamic.